
How To Say Oh My Gosh In Spanish

¡Guau! 35 Castilian Interjections That Will Make Your Day

Oh my! For goodness sake! Holy cow!

Yous've learned and so much Castilian, only there's nevertheless a footling something missing from your vocabulary. Psst—that something is interjections.

Y'all'll employ them for greetings. You'll need them to chat online. Indeed, whatsoever conversation would be incomplete without them. These short, impactful words and phrases are essential for your Spanish-language survival itself.

Looking to learn more almost interjections? Bingo. You're in the right identify.

What Are Interjections?

Interjections are words or brief phrases that express emotions or feelings. These are oftentimes exclamations, but not always. Their isolation is normally what sets them apart since they tin ofttimes stand lonely as sentences. Even uncomplicated commands can be considered interjections. The key is that the give-and-take or phrase "interjects" or "interrupts" the rest of the phrase. Wow! Who knew?

Why Acquire Spanish Interjections?

Well. In that location are several reasons to learn interjections.

Kickoff, they're central conversational tools. Whether you lot notice or not, you lot probably utilise several interjections in whatever conversation you have in English. You may fifty-fifty detect them liberally littered throughout this article. If yous don't also have these key tools in your Spanish vocabulary, your conversations will exist sorely lacking.

Furthermore, they're a quick and easy way to show emotions. One elementary word or phrase can express an emotion that would unremarkably have many more than words to clarify. Have, for instance, the English-linguistic communication interjection "Ugh." It's a much more concise fashion of expressing "I am non pleased with this."

Finally, they're fun. After all, you lot might not exist up for a full-length conversation in Spanish, but shouting Spanish when y'all stubbed your toe seems much less intimidating. These interjections will add a lot of color to your daily vocabulary.

35 Neat Spanish Interjections You Should Know

—Excitement and Approval—

1. Guay

This word is used mostly in Spain. When used as an interjection, this expresses approving similar "cool" or "terrific."

ii. Vale

While this can also be a conjugation ofvaler(to exist worth/to cost), in Spain,valeis used equally an interjection meaning "okay."


This word is used in Mexican-American slang and in parts of United mexican states. It ways "certain" or "okay."

4. Guau

This word tin mean "wow" or "woof" (as in the noise a dog makes) depending on the context.

5. Arriba

Arriba frequently means "up," simply as an interjection, it can too point blessing or excitement.

6. Bravo

This is a tough one.Bravoways "bravo." In either language, it's used to applaud a skillful task.

7. Gracias a Dios / Bendito ocean Dios

Gracias a Dios literally ways "give thanks God," while Bendito bounding main Dios means "God exist praised." Both are used similar the English language expressions "thank God" or "thank goodness."

viii. Menos mal

This phrase is used to express relief. Information technology literally ways "less bad." It'southward like to the English words "whew" and "phew."

9. Cáspita

Though it has no direct translation, information technology's used to denote adoration like the English word "wonderful."

ten. Dale

Dalecan mean "become for it," but it tin also mean "okay" depending on the context.

11. Claro

Claroand its sister phrase claro que síare both used to mean "of course."

12. Hurra

This is used like "hurrah" or "hurray."

13. Che

This interjection from Argentine republic and Uruguay is used like "bro" or "dude." However, it can besides exist a greeting similar "hey" or even equally a phrase to question understanding such every bit "right?".

14. Buen provecho

This literally means "good benefit," but information technology's used to mean "bon appetit."

15. Buena suerte

Buena suerte simply means "good luck."

—Cloy, Disapproval, Discomfort—

16. Huy

Huy often indicates pain, like "ow" or "ouch." But because the world is a foreign and confusing place, it can also exist used every bit "oops," "jeez" or even "wow."

17. Híjole

Used primarily in Mexico and Central America, this term indicates exasperation. It'southward similar to "jeez" or "wow."

xviii. Uf

This interjection indicates burnout. It's much similar the English word "oof" or the Upper Midwestern phrase "uff da."

19. Qué horror

Qué horrorliterally means "what horror." It's similar to the English phrase "how atrocious."

20. Qué lástima

Qué lástimameans "what a compassion." If you want to change it up, you can besides endeavour qué penawhich means "what a shame."

21. Bah

In both Castilian and English, "bah" denotes disapproval or contempt.

22. Újule

This expression of surprise tin can either express disapproval or admiration. It's most common in United mexican states.

23. Por Dios

This can hateful "for God'southward sake" or "God assistance me."

24. Ay de mí

Ay de mímeans approximately "oh my" or "poor me."

25. Porfis / Porfi / Porfa

Porfis, profi and porfaare all cutesy ways to abbreviate por favor(please). Think of them as the Spanish-language versions of "pretty please."

To proceed your pride intact, you might desire to avoid using porfisand porfiin chat since it'll brand yous seem a bit desperate, unless you want to audio a bit infant-like or audio jokingly airheaded.Porfaseems a little less juvenile, but it'south casual, so don't effort it on your boss.


If y'all've seen Speedy Gonzales, you've certainly heard this one before. It comes from the word andar pregnant "to go/walk/take/work/be/human action."

But what does it mean as an interjection? Well, given how many definitions the verb has, it should come as no surprise that information technology tin can mean pretty much anything.

Depending on context, information technology can mean "bustle up," "come on" or "alright." That may seem simple enough, but the thing is, it can indicate approval, disapproval or pretty much anything in between. Sometimes, you lot might fifty-fifty hear "ándale pues" which often means "okay, then." This is some other interjection where you really demand to gauge the context to figure out the significant.

27. Ojo / Cuidado

Ojo literally means "eye" while cuidado means "careful," but both words are used to urge caution like the English phrase "Expect out!"

28. Ojalá

Ojaláis used like "I promise and then."

29. Ajá

Ajácan mean "aha" or "uh-huh." It's used to announce understanding or to reply to a question in the affirmative. It can as well, however, betoken surprise or acknowledgement sort of like "oh."

thirty. Qué bárbaro

Qué bárbaroliterally means "how barbarian," so y'all think this would express disapproval. Sometimes, it'due south used to mean "how atrocious." However, information technology'due south often used to mean "how absurd" or "how terrific," specially in Argentina.

31. Caramba

Fans of "The Simpsons," take annotation: Sometimes used in the spoken phrase "ay, caramba," carambacommonly indicates a positive surprise, though information technology can be negative. It can mean "wow" or "darn" depending on the context.

32. Caracoles

Caracolesliterally means "snails" or "shells," only when used as an interjection, it's an expression of surprise like "gosh."

33. Córcholis / Recórcholis

Córcholis and recórcholisdenote surprise and sometimes annoyance or anger similar the English language phrases "gee whiz" and "good Lord."

34. Vaya

You may know information technology as a conjugation of the verb ir (to go), only as an interjection it unremarkably indicates surprise, like "wow." It can besides mean"what a…"in phrases like "what a helpful wordvaya is."

To complicate things further, it can also mean "oh no." This is an important reminder to always pay attention to context.

35. Ave María

Ave Maríareferences the Virgin Mary, but it's usually used to express excitement or stress, as is its sister phrase"Ave María purísima."Though technically part of a prayer, these phrases are at present commonly used every bit interjections.

Phew. That certain was a lot of interjections.

Only at present you'll exist fix with bully new vocabulary to employ in any conversation.



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