
Which Three Urls Are Involved In A Landing Page Test? (Select Three)

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Test 1 / 9

You will hear five people talking about changing their jobs.

Task 1

For Task 1, choose from the list the reason each speaker gives for changing job.

Speaker 1

lacking a sense of purpose

Speaker 2

needing more of a challenge

Speaker 3

unfriendly colleagues

Speaker 4

no prospect of advancement

Task 2

For Task 2, choose from the list what each speaker feels about their new job.

Speaker 1

relieved the initial uncertainty is over

Speaker 2

delighted by a change in lifestyle

Speaker 3

glad to be helping other people

Speaker 4

hopeful about future success

Speaker 5

happy to feel in control

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Test 2 / 9

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about leaving their own country to study abroad.

Task 1

For Task 1, why each speaker decided to study in another country.

Speaker 1

to be nearer to places of historical interest

Speaker 2

to explore an alternative career

Speaker 3

to learn another language

Speaker 4

to pursue a simpler lifestyle

Speaker 5

to extend skills already acquired

Task 2

For Task 2, choose from the list what each speaker says they gained from the experience.

Speaker 1

a greater sense of motivation

Speaker 2

the opportunity to make useful contacts

Speaker 3

a completely new interest

Speaker 4

a new sense of independence

Speaker 5

a feeling of being at home

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Test 3 / 9

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about leisure activities.

Task 1

For Task 1, choose from the list which activity the speaker is talking about.

Speaker 5

playing in a band

Task 2

For Task 2, choose from the list what the speaker says sbout the activity.

Speaker 1

Its creative aspect gives them most pleasure.

Speaker 2

They'd like to do it professionally.

Speaker 3

They are increasingly involved with it.

Speaker 4

Mastering it gives them a sense of achievement.

Speaker 5

They get satisfaction from doing it with other people.

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Exam Timer Time: 10 minutes

What to do?

In Listening Part 4, you hear five different people talking about the same topic. There are two tasks with eight options each.

As you listen, you have to choose which option refers to each speaker. You should listen to each of the extracts twice.

Another method is to do Task 1 when listening the first time and Task 2 when the recording is replayed.

Cambridge has done research that shows both methods work equally well! You should try both to see which is better for you.

  • Read through all the options for each task.
  • Remember you will not hear the same words in the extract, but a synonym or paraphrase.
  • Remember there are two questions for each speaker.
  • On the first listening, answer as many questions as you can from both tasks.
  • Use the second listening to answer any questions you missed.

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dispose (noun)

  1. The disposal or management of something.
  2. Behaviour; disposition.

dispose (verb)

  1. (used with "of") To eliminate or to get rid of something.
  2. To distribute or arrange; to put in place.
  3. To deal out; to assign to a use.
  4. To incline.
  5. To bargain; to make terms.
  6. To regulate; to adjust; to settle; to determine.


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Which Three Urls Are Involved In A Landing Page Test? (Select Three)


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